Lauren Knapton
Recreation Therapist
Interior Health Authority

Easy On-Boarding & Outstanding Customer Support

“ActivityPro is a Recreation Therapist’s best friend. I have used ActivityPro for years at previous sites and when I started my new position I advocated the importance of ActivityPro for our site. 

Our site has had ActivityPro now for 6 months and it has improved efficiency for both the Recreation Therapists and the Recreation Assistants. The Recreation Assistants have stated that ActivityPro has made inputting stats quicker and easier than ever. With the improvement of stats being inputted by the Recreation Assistants, it makes the lives of the Recreation Therapists SO much easier! We can access our RAI/MDS data in seconds, allowing us to spend less time doing paperwork and more time on the floor with our Residents. 

ActivityPro promotes and advocates for the field of Recreation Therapy in many ways, specifically for care conference reports with Resident family members & members of the health care team. The reports that we bring to care conferences are accurate & professional, promoting what we do, and how we do it. Activity Pro also helps our most in need Residents through the Residents at Risk report, that we now run weekly. This report has highlighted specific Residents that we need to spend more time with and in the past there was no way to efficiently run a report like this.

In addition, the ActivityPro team is fantastic. Anytime myself or my team needs anything, the customer support is phenomenal. The onboarding process was clear and easy to follow and the support team were there to help every step of the way. They also have quarterly training sessions that are excellent to learn how to get the best out of Activity Pro and are a great place to ask questions or provide feedback. They also have an online library of training videos and a comprehensive online training manual making troubleshooting any issue quick and easy.

I have worked at sites with ActivityPro & without and I can confidently say that Activity Pro is a game changer for the staff & Residents. I cannot say enough positive things about Activity Pro and I recommend to any LTC, AL & IL sites with any Recreation Professionals.”

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