Testimonials from the Field

Written By: April Lawson, Recreation Manager, Bay Haven

ActivityPro is a vital tool in our Recreation Department here at Bay Haven. How anyone in a Recreation position runs without ActivityPro is beyond me? ActivityPro gives us the facts about residents, we do not need to guess, all the information is there ready for us, with just one click. At the end of the day how does anyone truly know the stats of a person so quickly without counting and comparing one attendance record to the next? This is the reality of what we used to do before ActivityPro was implemented. ActivityPro allows you to upload virtually everything you need to run your Recreation Department. It is extremely helpful when having care conferences, multi-disciplinary meetings with other departments of the home, and completing care plans on Point Click Care. ActivityPro is an all in one service that puts all the pieces of recreation together for staff, volunteers, residents, and family members alike.

Before ActivityPro, most recreation staff members had to use a binder labelled with each resident’s name and indicate on paper if a resident attended a program or not and what score to give them. With ActivityPro, we have the convenience of uploading our own programs, adding as many as we like and deleting them as we please. We can pick and choose by resident or by activity while taking attendance. Not only does this save us time, but it tallies everything up for us for up to one year!  Scores and averages and favorite programs are all populated. This looks very professional when presenting families with the “Family/Resident Report” and they are always impressed with how much information we gather. Families often ask to get a copy of it for themselves.

The only way I can complete my Care Plans and RAI MDS on Point of Care, is by using my useful tool: ActivityPro. I can see what our residents have been up to lately, or compare their engagement from a year ago vs. today. When preparing for my multi-disciplinary weekly meetings, I always refer to ActivityPro. During the meeting, if other departments have questions, with a few simple clicks of the mouse I can find my answers quickly.

ActivityPro is a great tool that everyone in recreation and other departments can use quickly and easily.  It’s an all in one software that is a must have, and I wouldn’t be able to run an efficient recreation department in our home without it.

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